Well I just finished a 3 night run of the play "Waiting for the Parade" with 5 senior girls at Kiev Christian Academy! We had a blast and had a great turn out-- probably close to 250 over the 3 nights! It was fantastic and so much fun. I was so proud of my girls and our audiences were very impressed as well-- I received so many compliments on their behalf.

I've known most of these girls since they were in 8
th grade, so I've had the opportunity to see them grow and mature over the years into very talented actresses and just awesome young women. I'll sure miss them next year! Usually I just direct one show a year at
KCA- in the spring, so this was an added bonus-- for me and them! So now that we've finished this one we have to hurry up and start rehearsing for the next one-- May will be here before we know it! Enjoy the photos!

Hey girl - how wonderful!!! These girls are sooo lucky to have you!
I'll try to call you sometime this week; I just have to figure out the time difference. :)
Yeay for you! Looks like it was a smashing success!
Miss you dearly friend
Thanks for visiting our site. I love these photos of the play! We keep our actual adoption blog private, but yes we are currently in Kherson and have final court on Friday the 20th. Please email me and I will send you our cell! God Bless!
Just checking to see if you got my text. I accidentally deleted your email with the info on the families...
Hi, Karen - could you send me your e-mail.. I only get the "no/respond" blogger address.
What beautiful pictures, these kids are a blessing to you as you are to them.
Hi Karen,
What a delight to read your blog and to see what you are doing with the children! We will be in Ukraine March 4-12 visiting some orphanages. Hoping to adopt in 2009 would love to know about the children you brought to the U.S.
What region are you in? Please e-mail me back.
Hi Tammy,
Don't see an email address for you--nothing pops up when I click on your name. Could you give me an email address? Or email me through the email link :)
How neat! Living in Ukraine is one of my many dreams!
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