Thursday, January 20, 2011

Testing testing 1,2,3

Anyone still out there?  It has been awhile! And a much needed break I have to say!  I have finished my season in England with Ellel Ministries and have nearly come to the end of my time in the US (where I have been for the past few weeks seeing family & friends).

 I head back to Kiev on Friday and will jump straight back into work and life there! 2010 was definitely a whirl wind of transitions, moving about, letting go, trusting, and learning so much about myself and the Lord in the process. I'm excited for what God has in store for 2011!!

I shall be back 'blogging' more soon and sharing some thoughts from my time at Ellel and other things that are lining up for the coming year. Until then, I'd appreciate your prayers as I transition back to 'normal' in Kiev....whatever 'normal' happens to mean!


PlainJane said...

I'm brand new to your blog - right before you took your break. So, I'm still here! glad things are well with you and will pray for a safe trip back to Kiev!

We have 2 daughters we adopted from the Donetsk region. On February 15 they will have been here 2 years - they are 12 and 13 now. :)

welcome back!

Heidi and Felix said...

Yeah! Glad you're back to the blogosphere!!

Natasha said...

Hey beautiful!!!
Thanks so much for spending some time with us - it was a treat. I loved hearing about what you had learned - it really made me think.
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hey Karen,

It's good to hear from you again! So glad to hear that your time away was a time of refreshing from the Lord.