Felix and Rimma stayed with me in Kiev this past week as they were finishing up everything at the US embassy. It was so special to have that time with them and to reminisce about the past two years and all that has transpired

to get them to this point. I've seen a lot of kids adopted over the years and I have to say I'm really touched and blessed by Rimma's perspective. This week as we were sitting around the kitchen table she shared her heart and said, "you know, I've seen a lot of kids go to America because they think they'll have a better life, more money, and more opportunities. And I know that I'll have those things...but honestly the only reason I ever wanted to go to America was so that I would have a family to love me and to support me....I've never had that. I've never had that kind of love." From the mouth of a 13-year-old. Felix and I told her to remember that perspective when things get hard...because there will be hard moments for sure. Rimma truly see's the Lord's hand in her adoption process even throughout the past two years of waiting. A lot of wisdom for a 13-year-old in my opinion. So proud of you Rimma!
The faith journey continues for the Roge family as they wait out the next year to bring home their second daughter, Zina, who they met along with Rimma in 2007. Zina is still waiting out the 'system' so that she will be available for international adoption. Zina is another young lady wise beyond her years, clinging to faith that yes- this adoption will happen!
Our prayer is that at this time next year (if not before!) there will be one more smiling Roge daughter entering through the immigration line at the Denver airport!
If you want to follow the Roge's journey click here.
Well said and very eloguent, Karen. Thank you so much for opening your home to us and for watching over these Angels for the past two years. I would like to repeat the process this way again next year, not so that I have a convienient place to live, but so that you get to spend time with a girl you SO helped to make the journey. God bless you and keep you as you do HIS work in Ukraine.
Praise God - what a neat story! Thanks for sharing Karen.
I LOVE that last pictures. you for one are adorable and the background colors are so vibrant!
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