Friday, July 29, 2011

Beach Day!

Yesterday we took all 13 kids to Richmond Beach on the Puget Sound.  After two straight days of rain, the sun finally decided to make an appearance which allowed for a lovely afternoon of picnicking and playing on the beach (gotta love the weather in the Pacific Northwest!).  The water proved too tempting, and despite cool temperatures the kids were diving in!  It was an awesome day of hanging out with our host families and checking in with all the kiddos.

So far everything is going great with the kids. There have been some 'moments' for some of the hosting families- but all in all the kids are doing great and are LOVING their time here in the states!!  Google translator has proved oh so helpful for many of our families! :)

This weekend we have a Ukrainian Buffet dinner hosted by one of the families and next week we head to the zoo and will be going for a day hike!

Kara was our fearless coordinator state-side-- and a dear dear friend


  1. Love seeing all the faces of the kids that you have been doing lately. What precious souls!

  2. I am praying that each and every one of these kids finds a permanent home because of this trip.

  3. We are praying for you guys and your trip. If you have any time to give a call, do so!!!
