Saturday, May 30, 2009

Another Forever Family


My dear friends Kristina and Chris are currently in Ukraine adopting two precious children- Matthew and Natalia! Kristina and I went to college together and were reconnected this summer when her and her husband started pursuing adoption from Ukraine!!  It is always such an honor to walk alongside a couple when they are in the midst of the adoption process and even more fun when they actually come!

I was able to take the over night train this week to meet up with them and meet their newest additions. IMG_1848-1 We had a wonderful day playing outside in the city with the children in Matthew and Natalia’s group.  IMG_1890

I even found a couple I’d like to take home with me…including this precious little girl.  We made fast friends. :)IMG_1969-1

It never ceases to amaze me how God uses adoption to redeem these little lives.  How children can be transformed from orphans and adopted as sons and daughters- given new names and new futures.    And no matter how many times I see it happen, the Lord shows me something new about his love and adoption of us. IMG_2037IMG_2045-1

Please pray for Chris and Kristina in the coming weeks as they finish up the lengthy adoption process and transition home! They are one amazing couple that I am blessed to call my friends and I can’t wait to see how the stories of Natalia and Matthew will unfold.


  1. Praising the Lord with you guys!!!

  2. Karen, Thanks for being a dear sister in Christ to our mutual friends the Cardens. Thanks also for your passion and heart for the orphan. I hope to see you again some time. Blessings and joy in service to Him.

  3. What a huge blessing for the kids and their new mama and papa--and for you! How did they manage to be adopting such young kids? Amazing. And I'm so glad you have made new friends. :-)

    I hope we can all coordinate when we get back to Kiev. Sorry I haven't called yet...soooo busy!!

  4. I love adoption stories too. Just chatted online with Janna in Italy- I'd love to meet your friends when they are in town (but I'm headed to camp in Lugansk for the rest of the month).
